The Hidden Problem

17 Million Working Days Are Lost To Alcohol In The UK Each Year

For decades, people were terrified to talk about their mental health because of the stigma and labels that it would carry with it. Luckily, this has started to change, and people have been encouraged to open up to family, friends and peers. Young men have been urged to open up about their feelings in an attempt to reduce suicide rates.

Addiction In The Workplace

The biggest contributing factor to poor mental health, alcohol and drugs, are still not challenged or discussed enough in the workplace.

We Can Help

The Hidden Problem - How Do We Spot It?

We are told to eat better, exercise more, improve sleeping patterns but the mere suggestion that someone should cut down on drinking still gets laughed at.

As a nation, we are proud of our drinking cultur, and this is no more prominent than in the business world, work hard, play hard!

But What is the Impact?

Research shows us that 65% of substance users are employed in the UK and 24% of all employees admitted to drinking during the working day in the last year.

25–34-year-olds are most likely to test positive for class A’s and 3 million workers go into work still under the influence each year.

60% of poor performance and 40% of industrial accidents in the workplace are down to substance abuse.

Who are the problem drinkers in companies

Research shows that workplace drinkers are often men more than women, managers rather than their team members, younger rather than older and single rather than married.

The reality is that anyone in the workplace can develop an addiction or dependence issue at any time and it doesn’t discriminate.

Life changing events such as a break-up, losing a family member, financial worries or stress are several reasons why someone could slip down the wrong path.

The truth is that most will be very good at hiding their problem from you. They will experience emotions such as shame and embarrassment, especially if they hold a position of seniority in the organisation.

Industries with the biggest problem of alcohol and drug abuse

Sales 18.6%

Hospitality 17.4%

Construction 15.1%

Retail 11.6%

“Patrick delivers his message from personal experiences and tailored the sessions to our part of the industry. The sessions, presentation and messages are relatable to us all in one way or another.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Patrick to any business, in any industry Patrick delivers his message from personal experiences and tailored the sessions to our part of the industry. The sessions, presentation and messages are relatable to us all in one way or another. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Patrick to any business, in any industry.”

Simon Clare
Operations Manager- Balfour Beatty- Central Rail Systems Alliance

“Patrick gave a really good speech, both on the impacts of addiction, the home truths on the outcomes and an inspiring story of overcoming such adversity, it’s so important that his story is shared and aim to change the mentality of people who are struggling to not struggle alone and to seek help to overcome such troubles. Patrick hung around afterwards to speak to anyone who had questions or wanted to share their stories with him which is a great way to inspire and also to help them continue progressing on their own journeys, I believe talks like this and sharing the strength to overcome such troubles with the help and guidance of others, spreads the positivity of what awaits after overcoming the barriers, obstacles and sometimes stigmas people put up when they are in a dark place. Highly recommended Patrick both for the story he shared and also the work he is doing to aid people who are struggling.”

Luke Rowley
P-Way Engineer – Balfour Beatty- Central Rail Systems Alliance

Musgrove and Ball want to work with your company to reduce the stigma of addiction
Musgrove and Ball want to work with your company to reduce the stigma of addiction.

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