We were founded in 2022 by Patrick Ball and Sophie Musgrove after both overcoming addiction issues stemming back over a decade.

The company was born after noticing a huge problem in the business world, organisations struggle to cope with the stigma around alcoholism and addiction.

Most people can have a healthy relationship with alcohol, but addiction doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can develop a problem at any time.

At Musgrove and Ball, we empower UK businesses to create thriving workplaces. We achieve this by tackling critical areas like employee addiction, drug and alcohol awareness, health and safety, employee engagement, and fostering a culture of trust. This holistic approach leads to a stronger, more successful organisation where employees feel valued and supported.

Having worked with businesses and organisations across the UK, we understand that every workplace is unique. That’s why we tailor our training to your specific business needs, culture, industry, and workforce, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your people.

Only one in five people get the help they need with their alcohol problem.

The other four could be working for you!

We Can Help

Challenge Perceptions, Transform Thinking, and Inspire Action

17 million working days are lost in the UK due to alcohol misuse alone, that’s 5% of all absences. Companies have started to put employees through mental health first aid courses, but for many it is merely a tick box exercise.

At Musgrove and Ball, we want businesses to understand how they can educate employees about alcohol and drug dependence and teach their staff that if they find they have a problem, that they are approachable and show that they want to support the employee.

We offer tailored ongoing support packages designed to meet the unique needs of your employees. These packages include comprehensive training for line managers, interactive group sessions, and personalised one-on-one meetings. Additionally, we analyse your current processes and provide actionable recommendations for improvements.


Addiction In
The Workplace

How Can We
Help You?

Why Choose
Musgrove and Ball?

“At AtkinsRealis, we had the pleasure of inviting Patrick from Musgrove and Ball to attend the AtkinsRealis Safety Standup for the Feltham Phase 3/4&5 and the level Crossing projects. What can i say words are not enough to understand the depths of pain and self-destruction that Patrick went through along with his family. And to hear that story brought tears to many individuals that attended. And when finished you could hear a pin drop. This is one of the most inspirational speakers that i have had the pleasure to attend. I cannot encourage you enough to engage with Patrick from Musgrave and Ball and hear his story.”

Daren Gardner
Project HSE Manager- Atkinsrealis

Empower Your Workforce: Reach Out Today

Our team is made up of leading experts in drug, alcohol, and addiction awareness training. They bring a wealth of experience from working with businesses and organisations across the UK. Whether you’re looking to reduce absenteeism, improve employee wellbeing, or create a safer working environment, the team at Musgrove and Ball is here to help.

Reach out today to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can help you create a supportive and understanding workplace for your team.