
Ric Hart

“I lost my wife hours after birth”

“My life was perfect, Recently married, beautiful wife, career, and ready for that next step, starting a family, the final piece to our jigsaw. July 2018 struck and everything shattered into a million pieces, I lost my wife hours after birth in Hospital to our first child, Jade was gone, I lost my wife, soulmate, best friend and love of my life”.

“Growth Through Grief”

We are excited to deliver this incredibly heartbreaking story to UK workplaces, exploring how an employer can offer support to someone who is grieving?

Ric Hart is incredible and shares his feelings and experiences through his loss which are relatable to all who have lost someone in their life whether it be a parent, grandparent, partner, sibling, child or best friend.

They say there are seven stages to grief, where is your employee amongst this, how do they feel, what tools could help them open up, and perform better in the workplace?

Ric Hart is our speaker on Grief
Ric Hart

Ric went on to write through his grief, with five published children’s bereavement books and 2 adult books, becoming an Amazon best seller in 2020 and in 2023 he released his own podcast show, sharing his grief journey, steps, feelings, and decisions that have taken him to where he is today. ❤️‍

“Ric takes you on a journey through his grief experience, with messages of inspiration, hope and resilience alongside some of the most deeply moving events imaginable.”

This is a must listen for any corporate company and will positively impact the lives of so many employees, so please get in touch today.

Get in touch today