
Patrick Ball

Patrick Ball is travelling the UK delivering his talk “Hiding addiction in the workplace”.

Patrick takes the audience through his own experiences hiding addiction and alcohol abuse in the working world.

He takes you on the rollercoaster of his life

Leaving a football academy at 18

Falling through a roof on a building site

Earning lots of money young in the corporate world

Abusing cocaine and drinking heavily

Becoming homeless whilst hiding the issue from his employers and peers

Getting sober and clean

Winning everything back

“Patrick was our first keynote speaker of the year at Virgin Active.

During his talk Patrick shared his story and was extremely inspiring.

Weeks afterwards, his talk is still spoken about. Patrick has had an impact on raising awareness about the correct language to use regarding addiction, alcohol and eating disorders.

His talk and support has also contributed towards our ongoing wellbeing purpose to create a workplace culture where people feel safe to open up, share their own stories, and are inspired to be the best version of themselves.

As Head of Wellbeing at Virgin Active, I highly recommend Patrick as a keynote speaker and will continue to work with Musgrove and Ball.”

Kirsty McLean
Head of Wellbeing, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and National Safeguarding Lead for employees

View image from the talk

Inspirational Speaker Patrick Ball delivering a presentation to Sweet Projects

Patrick shows how this can happen to anyone from any background and explains how businesses can do so much more to support staff.

In 2019, he made his way to the Priory Woodbourne Hospital for 6 weeks to get clean and sober and the turnaround has been inspirational.

We open-up on living with an alcoholic, casual weekend usage and how the disease of addiction is progressive.

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“Patrick came in a few weeks ago and gave a lunch & learn to our teams – it was amazing to hear his story and for him to be so open & honest. We have had amazing feedback, people appreciate the honesty and also speaking about something that can be ‘taboo’ and not often discussed.

Would highly recommend.

Patrick will also be running some training for our People team.

Thank you Patrick!”

Emma Sutton
People Manager- VMLY&R